Monday, February 7, 2011


Redeem [verb]: To buy back, repurchase. To get or win back. To free from captivity by payment of ransom. To release from blame or debt. To change for the better, reform.

I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloudand your sins like mist;return to me, for I have redeemed you. [Isaiah 44:22]

God is Redeemer. His love is redeeming. He loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die on the Cross to redeem us... look at the definition of redeem... God bought us back through Jesus, God repurchased us through Jesus, God won us back through Jesus. Jesus was the ransom, the payment, in which God redeemed us. Because of Jesus we are released from blame and debt and changed for the better. Because of Jesus we are reformed and redeemed.

The story of Hosea is a beautiful illustration of God's redeeming love. Through the story we see God pursuing, alluring, romancing Israel back to Him through the example and story of Hosea the prophet and his wife of whoredom Gomer. The more I meditate and think about the cross and what was truly accomplished on it I am brought to tears by the love my Creator has for me. His love is full of many things such as mercy, grace, restoration, healing, strength, etc... but His love is redeeming. Redemption is such a powerful word and has such a deep meaning, the cross and what Jesus redeemed through it is powerful and has a deep meaning. Just remember that God redeemed you through Jesus Christ, He is constantly redeeming me because He is so in love with me. How can I not tell people about this beautiful love and this powerful redemption?

From oppression and violence He redeems their life, and precious is their blood in His sight. [Psalm 72:14]

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