Friday, December 3, 2010

My King

This blog is going to have very little Biblical insight or inspiring quotes... it is going to be simple ramblings of how amazing our King Jesus is.

I cannot believe it! Jesus is the most selfless, gentle, quiet, loving, caring, compassionate, devoted, mighty, strong, devoted, kind, joyful, man. I am in awe of His power to make me feel completely loved and fulfilled and satisfied on Him alone. He is all I need...ever. He is everything to me and I know that if I had no one and nothing, He would be enough. I have been so blessed to have spent this week in semi-solitude just hanging out with Jesus. He has truly quieted me with His love and rejoiced over me with singing. I am in shock of how amazing He is and the more I fall in love with my Creator the more broken hearted I become towards those who don't know Him or know Him and chose not to have a relationship with Him. Everytime I look at a person I feel love, everytime I am with my friends or family I feel love, everytime I read the Bible and journal and write I feel loved... God loves me so much, I'll never be able to match it... He truly is matchless and Almighty and King above all kings - Name above all names. No one is like Him and no one ever will be. I just pray that we would all slow down our busy lives and schedules and make time to stand in awe of God and who He is. We should love God for who He is, not what He gives us. If your prayers are only begs and pleads...change it up, start with Praise and Adoration and Thanksgiving to your King. He has given so much for you and continually loves and forgives you... keeping no records of wrongs. Imagine if we all loved like that, what a beautiful place this earth would be. How beautiful is the love of God? It amazes me...and it endures forever, stunning. He is simply stunning.

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