Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
He will not always accuse,
nor will He harbor His anger forever;
He does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
-Psalm 103:8-10

I just love this verse for so many reasons. God is so compassionate and so full of love, love for us. He doesn't accuse or get mad at us, He forvies and loves us. He doesn't pay us back with what our sins deserve, no He loves us and comforts us and gives us strength not to sin again. Could you imagine if we all lived like that? If we all loved like that? What if we all had or tried to have Christ's attitude? Could you imagine how full of love this earth would be! And all of these amazing attributes that God has last FOREVER. He is compassionate, loving, and forgiving, FOREVER. I used to think that if I did something bad or sinned that God would punish me or have me struggle, or I would have the thought "well nothing good is coming my way anytime soon." But God loves us so much, His love for us is incomprehensible, indescribable - so wide, so deep, so vast, completely endless... eternal. If you love someone a lot, don't you want to give them stuff, gifts? I know I do and so does God. He wants to give us all of these amazing gifts! He doesn't want to hold any of them back, He isn't afraid to give any of these gifts to us because He made them! Love and Romance, He made them! He is the Creator and He loves us so so much. The astonishing thing about all of His love and all of His gifts... He doesn't expect anything in return. Yes, He wants us to choose to love and worship Him but He doesn't expect anything from us. Thank you Lord so much for your mercy and Your grace, You are absolutely captivating.

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