Friday, August 13, 2010

Secret Garden

Our heart is a garden.

A garden that has a whole lot of weeds. When we allow God to come into our garden, He makes everything new and beautiful. It takes time for Him to plant the beautiful flowers and it takes time for the amazing leaves and trees to grow but after allowing Him to spend all His time in our heart/garden it becomes absolutely breath taking and gorgeous. Once God has made His home in our garden and made it beautiful, does He invite people in to enjoy it. Our hearts/gardens are for God's glory, it is God's work and His love and time that made that amazing garden, when people come in and see our garden it should bring one thing, praise to our Creator.

Same with relationships, our heart should be fully given to God and we should let Him work in us and make us whole and beautiful in His image before we let someone into our hearts, that way when the person does dissapoint us or hurt us (which they will, no matter what, we are all sinners) we will be ok because God will have our heart fully, not that person. We can't fully love someone unless we allow God into our garden to have His way with our hearts, He is the landscaper and He will make your garden the most beautiful garden... if you allow Him too. Have faith in the Creator, He knows you better than you know yourself.

Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23

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