Friday, August 20, 2010


I have never seen or experienced God's love so tangibly as I do when I experience community with the body of believers. I am in awe of God's love for me, just the fact that He has specifically placed each amazing person in my life shows how much He loves me. Relationships are so important, Christianity is completely relational, we were not meant to walk this journey by ourselves. We should be so in love with Jesus Christ, He should be our main focus and the holder of our heart that we should be overflowing with His amazing, unfailing love. His love should overflow out of us onto others.

Everytime I go to CRAVE (College Age Ministry @ Saddleback Church) I tangibly experience God's love and Brad brought up an amazing point last night, we should want to experience that because it is a little glimpse of what Heaven will be like. That's what I love about fellowship and community, it is 100% full of God's love and worship. You can't worry and worship at the same time. Knowing that we have eternity with Christ and that one day we will see Him face to face and live in a beautiful place that our Heavenly Father has been preparing for us should change how we live, how we love, how we act, what we say, how we worship.

Was not the one who had given everything for me worthy of everything I could offer Him?

I can't put into words how radical and in love we should be with Christ. He has given us EVERYTHING, we should love without fear and we should live a life like Christ, fearless and overflowing with love.

"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for eachother and for everyone else just as ours does for you." 1 Thessalonians 3:12 ~If we are full of God's love, it will overflow to others. It's not enough merely to be courteous to others; we must actively and persistently show love to them. Our love should be growing continually.

God has made us for Himself and our hearts can never know rest and perfect satisfaction until they find it in Him.

I think it is really important that we fall in love with Christ and focus on our day to day romance with our beautiful Creator and then everything will fall into place and we will be able to love others completely SELFLESSLY, just as Christ intended.

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