Monday, April 12, 2010

What happens in Vegas, definitely did not stay in Vegas!

Hello readers! So this weekend a group of 9 Jesus Freaks set out on the crazy journey to Sin City. We were all going for an event called Jesus Culture that we heard about online and it seemed like a really great convention that was going to really strengthen us as Christians (which it ultimately did, just in a very different way than we thought). After the drive to Vegas we all get settled in our hotel which was a really awesome 2 bedroom suite with a kitchen and living room! I was so excited that there were so many of us, I was so ready for a really fun weekend! And I made some great new friends! We then go to the first night of Jesus Culture and the worship was so amazing! I however like to look around, scan/observe people...and I noticed some interesting things. Some people were shaking during worship like they had a seizure, some were speaking in tongues that made no sense, and others were just screaming...I was a little taken a back but I just kept praying that God would open me up and tear down my walls of judgement and just look for Him in all of this. The message was really good as well however there weren't to many references to the Bible it was more just the pastor saying "We are revivalists, we are healers", we..we..we..we, not a whole lot of Jesus in there... After a previous run in I had with a Christian cult I decided that I wasn't comfortable going back and neither were some others so we decided that on Saturday we were just going to relax, enjoy some of God's beauty at the pool and just hangout and have some good fellowship. Some of the other guys decided to go to the workshops (which I am so excited that they did because it is really great for all of us to know what is out there and to really understand the reason for this, and to plant a seed in the people's who beliefs we don't particularly agree with) so when the guys came back they were telling us that the workshops were all on healing and prophesying... They said that someone would go up on stage say they have a headache and then everyone would pray out loud over them and do some hand motion to cast off the headache, and if it wasn't gone than the pastor said that it wasn't in God's will and kindly push them off the stage. None of this makes any sense to me... How does someone think they know God's will?! Cause they don't! We may think we know God's will sometime when it comes to our lives but I don't think we can walk up to a stranger and claim something like that. I definitely think God can put something on your heart about a stranger or anyone but I don't think God would give us the power to heal someone within 5 seconds on a stage in front of a bunch of people...Jesus is the healer, not us. We are vessels that should be filled with love that overflows onto others. I was really just turned off when I heard about all of this, it just reminded me of past run ins with people who glorify themselves over God. It was no doubt a great learning experience for everyone but I am just struggling with grasping the idea that we are all worshipping and loving the same God, but why do some ways seem so different and just wrong to me? It is soooo hard for me to grasp - if you are reading this, please pray that I would understand all of this...that would be great, thank you so much guys! But it was just an interesting experience...

On another note we all got to really grow in our friendships this weekend! I met two new people who are really great, genuine Christians and I feel so blessed to have met and talked with them over the course of this weekend. And just continuing to grow in the friendships I already had. Everytime I interact with someone or pour out my love or receive love from someone I truly feel romanced by God, He loves me soooo much and blesses me soooo much with sooo many different things but I have really noticed that lately it has been through relationships. I have never had a solid group of Christian friends and God has truly blessed me with such great relationships that all revolve around Him and it makes me feel completely, and totally loved. I am in awe of how insanely loving God is, I can't even describe it most of the time. I also had a really enjoyable time cleaning, cooking, nurturing... I don't know why but I love love love to cook, to clean, to nurture, to take care of people... I love how I, a woman am also made in the image of God. God shows his nurturing, caring, loving side through women while in men He shows His strong, compassionate, loving side... God is just so marvelous how He made that we would perfectly compliment eachother. I don't know what it is but when I care for others it just makes me that much more excited to be a wife and a mother...It is going to be such a blessing.

It was such an amazing weekend and I really feel like I grew spiritually through friendships and actions more this weekend...I think that is exactly what God had planned for me...He is so amazing :)

On another note :) We got to enjoy the beautiful (not dirty) side of Vegas, it was lovely - the strip is so much fun! I have been more than 15 times but I never had such a fun time because some of the guys were just makin me crack up with their crazy dance moves! Here are some pics! God bless yall, have a great day!

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