Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our Hearts

Hey bloggers! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I do a lot of writing in my journal but never seem to find time to type some up! I have been reading this book called When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy and it has opened up my heart so much! I thought that this book was going to lay down a bunch of rules, regulations, and formuals for what it takes to make a good, Christian relationship with the opposite sex... boy was I in for a suprise!

The book is all about God being the love of our lives, not how to find your future husband. I was completely reassured that God is the Creator and Author of Romance/Love. God IS love. Who knows it better than Him? He created it! We as Christians have to do more than believe in God, we have to entrust EVERYTHING to Him, let Him permeate to every corner and aspect of our lives. God needs to be #1 in our hearts, He gave up everything for us - we should want to give up everything for Him...out of love, not out of fear. We should be so in love with God that we want nothing but to live for Him and serve Him. I am just in awe of how much God loves us, look around this beautiful earth He has blessed us with and all of the amazing people He has blessed you with. That is what I call love.

I used to think that God was all about rules - don't do this, don't do that... But the more I came to His word and grew with fellow believers I have noticed that He is so head over heels in love with me, and when you are in love with someone you want to do anything that will please them. Once we realize this God sets the foundation for an AMAZING and lasting relationship with the opposite sex- we just need to hand over the pen and give it all to Him, He knows us better than ANYONE, He knows the desires of our heart, and He will give them to us because He loves us SO so so so so so much.


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