Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We are ONE :)

"There is ONE body and ONE spirit-just as you were called to ONE hope when you were called-ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism, ONE God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." -Ephesians 4:4-6

I love this verse SO much! It has always been one of my favorites just because it truly shows that we are all connected. We are all ONE in Christ. I was having a really good late night Jesus talk with one of my friends and he brought up a good point. If we both weren't Christ followers we wouldn't really be true friends, ya we knew eachother in high school and would small talk if we ran into eachother but now we are such great friends because we are both in love with God. I just love, love, love unity and Toby Mac's song City On Our Knees is a great song that describes unity. It doesn't matter what our culture, race, gender, economic status, etc. is, we are all under ONE King - We truly are ONE :)

I have just been so overwhelmed with God's love that I can't even put it into words. God is so romantic, loving, selfless, strong, powerful, marvelous, nurturing, comforting, peaceful, I mean the list goes on...forever! I am blogging from my side yard where my family just purchased a patio set and it is my new favorite place. It is so quiet out here (except when my neighbor revs his motorcycle!) and just relaxing...there is something so tranquil about nature, everytime I am in nature or looking at it I feel like God is romancing me. He is so faithful, I am just in plain awe of how magnificent He is.

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