Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Koinonia - Overflow

Koinonia is the Greek word for fellowship.

The definition and meaning behind fellowship has so radically changed in my life over the past 10 months. I used to think fellowship was just the Christian way of "hanging out"... I was so wrong.

Overflow - my small group. Words can't describe how much of God's love I feel running through my veins, beating in my heart, and pulsing through my breath when I see these people. I love every single one of them... so much. They each have such a passion for God and for others and I can tell they are striving for the same type of loving, real, authentic, genuine relationship with fellow believers as I am. I love talking about Christ with them, joking with them, laughing with them, crying with them... but mostly I love praying with them. Prayer is so important it's ridiculous. When I have the opportunity to pray with all of Overflow, some of Overflow, the girls of Overflow... anytime I have the opportunity to join hands with the people God hand picked to be apart of my life I tangibly feel Christ. It is an amazing feeling and I am almost always brought to tears by the immense joy I get from knowing I have people to hold my hand and talk to God with, it is simply beautiful and absolutely breath taking.

I learned so much this weekend on how to lead a small group through leader training and my brain is just full and OVERFLOWING with ideas, I am so excited. God is so generous in providing such amazing resources to help us grow closer to Him and to eachother. I am in awe of how blessed I am, I am forever thankful.

So Koinonia ("Fellowship") means so much more to me than Christians hanging out, it is Followers of Jesus Christ coming together to praise, worship, and glorify Him and encourage, love, and be there for eachother. My hurt breaks for anyone who isn't apart of a fellowship like this, please contact me... I would love to have you at Overflow or help get you connected. Relationships are the only thing we will be taking with us to heaven from earth, fight for them.

Love <3

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