Wednesday, September 8, 2010


O Lord, You are my God.
I will exalt You,
I will praise Your name,
For You have done wonderful things;
Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.
.:Isaiah 25:1:. NKJV

O Lord, I will honor and praise Your name,
for you are my God.
You do such wonderful things!
You planned them long ago,
and now you have accomplished them.
.:Isaiah 25:1:. NLT

O Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt You and praise Your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
You have done marvelous things,
things planned long ago.
.:Isaiah 25:1:. NIV

Three different translations of the same verse... so amazing. I am in complete awe of God, He is so faithfull. In these verses Isaiah was praising God for the promises that He kept and came true. All of God's promises come true, He always completes His plans. I get caught up so much sometimes in things I don't have or that I want and I forget to stop and thank God for all He has given and blessed me with. An example of this would be a relationship, boyfriend wise... I feel ready for one, I really do. And I am frustrated that I'm not in one and I get confused on what God has planned for me in this part of my life and then I just turn to His Word and read His promises... I stand in awe of all of the amazing friendships and relationships He has blessed me with and I can't help but thank and praise Him. Take it from Isaiah and take it from me, you are extremely blessed. Don't dwell on what you haven't received yet, rejoice in what you have been given by the One who loves you the most. Praise Him for His unfailing love and countless blessings and lean on His Word for guidance and patience as you wait.

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