Saturday, September 4, 2010


I was taking a walk around the Lake when this song came on my Pandora playlist, Matchless by Aaron Shust

Son of a Man, Great I am, King of heaven,
Son of God, you hold the measure of my days
Holy Lamb, spotless Lamb, You are worthy, I am not
Before Your throne I stand amazed

Every tongue confess and every knee will bow
To Jesus Christ the Lord forever, hear our praises now

Your name is matchless, Your name is priceless
Your name means more than I could know
You're so far above me, the way that you love me
goes further than any love could go

Wonderful Counselor, Root of David, morning star
you are the way, the truth, the life
lion of the tribe of judah, Mighty god is who you are
The only perfect sacrifice

In your name you took the blind man and you gave him back his sight
In your name you took the dead man and you brought him back to life
In your name you took this prisoner and you opened up the doors
And I will sing before your throne forever more

This song is an amazing depiction of our Heavenly Father, He is our morning star and our counselor (Holy Spirit), He took the blind man and gave him sight (Jesus), King of Heaven (God).

His name truly is matchless, He loves us so much and always has. We haven't always loved Him, we haven't always served and worshipped Him... but He still loves us the same. That is a crazy kind of love, a kind of love that is humanly impossible to achieve. Think of people who don't love you but are in your life, and try to love them. Ask God to love them through you, ask to be a vessel for Him to do His work and for His will to be done. It is really hard to love and receive nothing/no love in return, but remember that is exactly what Jesus did for us on the Cross. We can't give Him anything in return that will pay for His blood, but we can love and worship Him with our whole heart, and see an intimate relationship with Him... that's all He wants... our love.

The relationship between us and our Savior is absolutely matchless, no earthly romance can fullfill the depths of our heart like Jesus Christ can. Open up your heart to Him, He won't disappoint you.

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