Wednesday, September 1, 2010

July - Twenty Ten

Words are going to be hard to scramble together to describe my amazing month of July. I have been so extremely blessed with all of the amazing opportunities and people God has strategically placed in my life. I am going to try my hardest to describe my month, I would love to talk about it more than type about it. Let's get together, let's talk about it.

The month started of with the 4th of July, one of my favorite Holidays. I love America and feel so blessed to live in such an amazing country, who wouldn't want to celebrate that under the stars with beautiful fireworks spread across the sky set to music?! Me and some friends went to Hunington Beach to celebrate, arriving at 10am and staying till midnight we all had some nice sun burns and sore legs. Lots and lots of walking, frisbee, and good ole beach time. We were blessed with free parking from a lovely stranger, God is great. I enjoyed some great fellowship with a great friend about our great God.

The day after, Monday, July 5 I set off for HSM (High School Ministry) camp at Westmont College in Santa Barbara. I was really excited to see how God was going to use me in these girls lives and how He was going to change me throughout this week. I went in with mentality that I was going to babysit, help, and maybe plant some seeds in these girls but what really happened was that we had deep, raw, meaningful conversations about our beautiful Creator. We played games, screamed for team RED, and smiled our hearts out. We learned, we ran, we ate, we loved, we laughed, we cried, we changed, we were real. These 14 beautiful girls were placed in my life by my sovereign Lord for a reason. They changed me, I pray that I changed them. Throughout the week I also got to really get close to one of my greatest friends, we got to share stories about our kids, we got to pray, we got to play, we got to fellowship, we got to grow. We were both extremely moved by this amazing week and I know that we both loved the theme of camp: UNCOMMON - anyone can be the same.

- As Christians we are set apart, we shouldn't blend in with the crowd... we are truly uncommon. Being a follower of Christ is so much different than being Christian. We are following, imitating, and trying to be like Jesus Christ in a world that is so far from exuding Christ. We are to be a light, be the salt, and change this world by how we live our life and how we love. -

I was so bummed when the day came to leave Westmont College, but I was excited for the rest of the amazing days ahead in the month of July. Finishing the night off with a late night Corky's sesh with great friends was perfect. The day after I got home from camp I was embarking on an adventure I never thought I would... camping.

Lake Naciemento, here I come! It was 4:30 in the morning and we set out on the road after sleeping for about 2 hours because we stayed up late watching a movie. I have never been camping, especially this type of camping. Real camping... not cabins/lodges/trailer homes. This was down home tent/sleeping bag/ANIMALS. I was going with my friend's family and some friends, I was the only girl minus his mom & sister. I was really excited, I am more comfortable around guys and I just get along with them better, especially in a camping situation. We get to this beautiful lake and I am in awe of God's beauty and His power. Riding on the back of the boat with my hair blowing in the wind like I'm on a rollercoaster was inspiring, made me feel carefree for the first time in a long time. I knew that this week ahead of me was nothing but me, God, and His beautiful Creation. Not having my cell phone or a computer was amazing - Me, God, my journal, my Bible, and my friends. I was so excited. The week consisted of many boat trips where I got to take pictures of the boys wake boarding and got to enjoy the mist of the sharp turns out on the lake. The week consisted of fellowship, prayer, amazing conversations, meeting new people, and just getting to know the ones I already loved. The stars were amazing, everyday I had a different song stuck in my head but whenever I looked up into that sky I thought, "The moon and the stars declare who You are." I had some amazing quiet time with God and really got to prepare myself for Haiti which was just around the corner, I was able to be vulnerable and able to grow yet again with a close friend who I really cherrished fellowshipping with this whole week at the lake.

- Sitting in awe of God allows us to listen to Him for once instead of us talking to Him. He is telling us how much He loves us and How much he wants to romance us and hold us. He paints the sky with a gorgeous sunset and clothes us with love and selflessness. He shows His love through His Small acts of kindness truly show Christ. When we are away from technology and away from freeways and malls we can really feel God in a completely raw way. It was amazing - God is so romantic, just look at the ocean, just look at the sunset, just look at the stars, just look at the ones you love showing love to others.
Haiti was a week away - I had a week to relax and get ready inbetween HSM camp & the Lake. I spent the whole week preparing myself, spending a lot of time to myself and packing - getting all the essentials together. I couldn't stop thinking about the first team that was there already in Haiti, I couldn't wait to get there.

The details of this entire week in Haiti are extensive so this, along with HSM Camp & the Lake are extremely vague summaries of the amazing and life changing opportunities God provided me with this summer.

Traveling was amazing, I love planes and I love airports. I got to sit by someone I didn't know too well that was on my team the way there and we had an amazing fellowship. I am so thankful for that time. Another week with no cell phone and computer I spent all my time either in conversation, prayer, or my Bible... it was amazing, I am so thankful for all of the time I got away from technology. Arriving in Haiti I was definitely culture shocked, I have seen pictures and videos of poverty but I haven't truly seen it. After a long day of culture shock I finally got to go back to the house we were staying at and go to God and His Word, immediately I was completely full - full of hope, love, compassion, gentleness, peace, and wisdom. Anytime we fear, we doubt, we question, we worry, we stress...we need to turn to God's Word. If I wouldn't have read God's promises that night I don't think I would have been able to serve God selflessly that whole week. My team is amazing, I was so excited for the personalities to mix and the fellowship to start. We got to work with an orphanage called Swamp Kids - 30 of the most beautiful children I have ever seen. They smile with such genuine love and their eyes have such real hope, it was truly inspiring. We got to bond with these kids and grow with them throughout the week. On our second day at the orphanage I was sitting, holding my Mica (my girl who I truly bonded with and love) and I looked around and saw all of my friends, all of my sisters and brothers in Christ, loving. Loving, absolutely selflessly... holding, kissing, playing, helping these kids and each other. Anytime I see a small act of kindness I see Christ's love - I really believe that's the way He intended us to love. The whole week was a week of firsts, I loved all the late night conversations we had, all the fellowship and affirmations, all the sharing of God's love. I loved dancing in the rain together, reading His Word together, coming to God in prayer together, living together, existing together, being together.

- Everything was together. We are ONE body, ONE spirit, ONE Father, who is with all and in all, we are ONE hope, ONE love. I was in complete awe of how God shaped my view on love this week. By living with others on my team and by loving on these children, that is all they want; to be held, loved, told they are beauitful. If we love someone, we should tell them. I have never seen such a genuine joy and a genuine love than I did in the beauitful people of Haiti. I left a part of my heart there, with God dwelling in it... But I definitely left it there, and I can't wait to go back and put my heart together again. I truly believe God will restore this country, God is so present and so on the move it's insane. I've never felt more alive than I did there.

So there it is! The most summarized version of July 2010 - It was definitely the most life changing month of my life and I am so thankful for Christ and His perfect timing. I have never been so in awe of God as I was at the end of this adventurous month. I would love to share amazing stories with you, let's get coffee. God bless

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