Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Random Ramblings Via Blog

So I am going to say a whole bunch of random things about Jesus and hope it makes sense! Enjoy! Most of it is going to be about my life and what He has been doing lately in it.

Jesus is so legit, I run out of words to describe Him sometimes...Amazing, indescribeble, awesome, beautiful, marvelous, perfect, eternal, loving, redeemer, protecter, healer, etc. The list goes on forever... But I can never seem to explain how much He loves me or how much I love Him, I am just put into a state of awe whenever I tangibly experience His love. The more broken I become the closer to God I become, it is so amazing. Being broken isn't fun, no one really enjoys it but it just shows us God's love for us and how much we really need Him.

I have also been learning that we need to focus on God, 100% and a good test to see if you are doing this is to think/notice what you talk about and think about the most throughout the day. Is it God? Is it relationships? Is it boys/girls? Is it alcohol? Is it sex? What is your life glorifying... is it God? or is it something else?

I have been so on fire for God lately, just by praying, reading the Bible and having awesome fellowship has really strengthened God's and I's relationship. I feel my desires starting to change to His desires and it is so awesome! I am just in awe of how faithful God is and all I want to do is serve Him, everyday. I am going to live by this sentence: Live everyday for Christ.

LOVE IT! Jesus gave up His life for us, not a week, or a month, but His entire life. Why shouldn't we give it up for Him? We are free and made alive in Christ. Why wouldn't you want to be free and alive everyday?! So awesome!

All I want to do is serve Him, whenever I do in the smallest ways He shows me His glory and it is just mind bogguh-ling! I love God so much and I love you so much! Let's talk! <3

:) Have a great day, thanks for reading my ramblings. There is PLENTY more where all of this came from!

Lindsay xoxo

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