What does it look like to go unnoticed? When I first became a Christian I thought being a strong woman in the Lord was to be quiet and serve all the time. Serving is great don't get me wrong, but my personality is anything but "quiet". I struggled with being Lindsay and also being a "Christian Woman", I questioned the Lord asking me why He made me to be outgoing and "loud" if that is not what He desired in a woman. If I were to be a "good Christian woman" I was to be behind the scenes and unnoticeable practically, none of which were my gifts.
Since I was 5 years old I was a leader. I played softball my entire life and was just a natural born leader. I have a get it done attitude and am good at managing and directing. So for my entire life I took the leadership role in softball. Either pitching or playing 3rd base, I was always talking with my team mates and my catcher, communicating with my outfield, and encouraging my teammates, listening to the coach and relaying the information to other players. I was passionate and fired up about the game. I have that same passion, even more so, for the Kingdom of God and His Church.
I get fired up and want encourage everyone to press on, to grow, and to run the race. When I became a Christian I naturally again got into leadership and team management. I knew right when I became a Christian and started leading that I wanted to do full-time ministry. As I surrendered my entire life and self to the Lord I felt like I needed to change my personality. Because Christian women are quiet, submissive, and let the men do all the work. That is what I had projected onto me sadly from the Church. I also saw all of my guy friends go after Christian girls who were quiet and sweet and hardly spoke. It grew an insecurity in me that I had for quite a while. The thought of "if I want a boyfriend who loves the Lord than I need to be quiet and sweet and not who I naturally was. I thought that me being a leader and quoting scripture and teaching would "rob them of their masculinity" and I thought that guys would be intimidated by me. I never had the Christian guys "chasing" after me like I saw happen to so many of my girl friends. I was so insecure because I wasn't the quiet woman in the kitchen baking cookies (ironically I love baking though). I was the woman teaching Bible study, leading ministries, planning outreaches, leading trips to Haiti. I was anything but quiet. But what the Lord spoke to me one day changed me forever.
I was in line at Disneyland for Space Mountain. I was with a bunch of my friends and I just was in the back watching them. There was so much flirting going on. Not like one person liking one person and flirting. Like everyone flirting with everyone and the Lord really broke my heart for girls especially, but boys too who are walking in insecurity and attention-wanting from the opposite sex instead of the secure confidence of knowing you are loved by the King of Kings and that He gives you all His attention, all the time.
The Lord said to me so clearly,
"Lindsay you don't need any man's attention, you have the attention of Me, the King of Kings. Walk in that confidence and also, a woman who knows her beauty and worth in Me isn't throwing herself at guys, she isn't needing things from this world like attention and love, she already has it in Me. And you Lindsay are called higher, you are called to be set apart and completely different. Walk in that truth and invite other women into it. You should never be attracted to a guy who is throwing himself at girls either, or responding to girls throwing themselves at him. You should only be attracted to a man throwing himself at the Kingdom, if not than he is not worthy of your heart. To be a gentle and quiet spirit doesn't mean the volume of your voice, it simply means your insecurities are quiet and your spirit is gentle because it is resting in the revelation that you are the Beloved, you are made whole, you were purchased, you were redeemed and nothing else matters. When you walk in the confidence and security that I am all you need and ever will, you will naturally gain respect and will have healthy relationships with your sisters and especially with your brothers."
In space mountain that one day, my life was forever changed. My heart cry for women is that we will be women of influence instead of women of manipulation. What if we walked in the security knowing that we are completely loved and don't need the attention of any man to make us happy, or fill us with joy. What if we walked in the Spirit and influenced our brothers to Christ instead of manipulate them to ourselves? What if we honored our brothers relationship and purity with God above our relationship with them?
Don't be like the world and throw yourselves at any man that comes by. Just because you are both Christians doesn't mean that it's free game. The world does it physically, Christians usually do it emotionally. Guard your heart, know that you are completely loved by Jesus Christ and you don't need to add anything else to it and when the right guy comes along and sees your devotion and heart for the Lord He will pursue you, and you shouldn't want to be with a man that loves you more for anything else other than your devotion to Christ and His Kingdom. So seek first the Kingdom. There is so much work to be done for the Lord. Focus on that more than the boy you like. Cause the boy you like didn't die for your sins and give you eternal life. Set your mind on heavenly things, even relationships and marriages will fade in this life, but what is eternally done for the Kingdom will go on forever. Pursue the Kingdom while you are here on earth. May the reality of lost souls fuel your fire for the Kingdom. There are people walking around this earth that don't know Jesus Christ! That joy, that peace, that everlasting life you have had a small glimpse of people have never had the opporutinty to experience. I don't know about you but that blows my mind and breaks my heart all at the same time. The Lord saved you, and gave you the message of grace through faith in Jesus Christ. If you are wasting that message by keeping it in and simply "going through life" then I pray you will reconsider your purpose on this earth. It is all about the Gospel, it is all about children being reconclied to the Father. Everything else is just a gift and a blessing. Be women of influence. Influence others to Jesus Christ, because He is worth it all. He deserves all glory, honor, praise, and attention for He gave it all for us, and we should give it all for Him.
If you would like to grab coffee and chat more about this, I would love that. This is what I am passionate about and love to see happen in a woman's life. Give me a call or a text and I'll treat you to coffee. (949) 355-2612
I pray that this is the beginning of a newly surrendered life, where the Lord truly is number 1 in your relationships, life, and heart. May He guide you as you revamp how you interact with your brothers and give you strength to deny your flesh which loves attention and love. May you find that in Him alone, may He strengthen your friendships so that the world can see the pure love and grace of Jesus Christ and desire Him, not you. May we be like John the Baptist and count it all joy for us to become less and for Jesus to become more. May all our relationships be a platform for the world to know that Jesus saves. May He give you confidence and security in your identity as a Beloved daughter of Christ and may you invite other sisters into it. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thanks for reading! A verse I cling to is 1 Timothy 5:1, 2
Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.
Treat eachother as brothers and sisters in Christ, with all purity.
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