To Whom It May Concern:
A couple years ago we fell in love with a group of kids in Haiti at an orphanage we call Swamp Kids. We have been cultivating a beautiful relationship with not only the country of Haiti, but these amazing kids. There are about 30 kids ranging from 2 to 19 years old and they are all unique in their own way. Living amongst these kids we saw the beautiful sacrificial life they live. They are constantly looking out for the other kids and giving the nothing that they have to their “brothers” and “sisters”. They have some of the most genuine smiles and hearts we have ever seen and felt.
We have to act. They have what we would say is nothing… no food, no clothes, no toys, no schooling, and no parents. You wouldn’t be able to tell if you simply looked at their smiles. Their smiles say they have everything, that they are loved by each other but more importantly, the One who created them and they know that. These kids are the future leaders of Haiti, these kids are the next generation of Haitians that will win back this country from the poverty it is in. So many times we ask God what He is doing, but God says “what are you doing with what I have given you?”. God is doing so much! He is blessing us so that we can bless others, He is comforting us so that we can comfort others, He is loving us so that we can love others. Don’t you see? It is all about others.
So how do you come in… We would love to have you be apart of this relationship with the Swamp Kids, we would love to have you be apart of the radical move of God’s spirit in Haiti, and we would love to have you be apart of this generation rising up to bind up the brokenhearted and bring freedom to the captives. Help us help others. There are 30 kids, each needing two sponsorships each of a minimum 25$. Attached is a sponsorship form and we can’t wait to introduce you to your newly sponsored Swamp Kid who will start to cultivate a relationship with you. We are praying that this relationship blossoms and grows over the years. You will one day be thanked not only by God, but by this beautiful Haitian who you helped live on this earth. God bless your heart, your time, and your finances that He has and will graciously bestow upon you as you give to others. Thank you so much.
“Freely you have received; freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)
Obviously there isn't an attached sponsorship on this "sheet"/blog post, but if you feel led to be apart of sponsoring a Swamp Kid, please e-mail me at lindsayk@saddleback.com

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