Thursday, May 1, 2014

Urgency of the Gospel

Hey friends. I am pretty much going to just type out a part of the book I am currently reading called Radical by David Platt. I can't encourage you enough to go out and get this book and read it. It has ministered to me and has fanned the flame in my heart for God's message to be known to His children. I can't recommend it enough!

Something I have noticed throughout my walk and within the body of Christ is that we are very prayerful. Which is great, don't get me wrong... but we have a command and an urgency with the Gospel. I know that I have done a lot of "waiting for the Lord's timing" and "waiting for guidance" in my life. Which again is great, but not when it comes to missions, ministry, and disciple making. We need to be a little more urgent.

The Lord has commanded all of us. Every single one of us! To go and make disciples. To make His glory known among the nations. Not just America. Not just Orange County. But the nations. Again, I am not saying local outreach is bad, AT ALL. But I am going to challenge myself and the rest of us if we are really in step with God's move throughout the world. Are we global minded Christians? Because God is a global God, so we should be global followers. Here is a part of the book Radical that is just insanely true and compelling. I hope you enjoy!

"He has not only give us knowledge about Christ, but he has also given us the presence of Christ and the promise of Christ to provide us with everything we need to take the gospel to them (talking about unreached people groups). Now imagine what it would be like to look into a pair of Bedouin (1.4 million person people group in Algeria that is 100% muslim) eyes and for the first time introduce this person to Christ. This is a cause worth living for. It is a cause worth dying for. It is a cause worthy of moving urgently on. We have the gospel of Christ in us, and we do not have time to waste. Some wonder if it is unfair for God to allow so many to have no knowledge of the gospel. But there is no injustice in God. The injustice lies in Christians who possess the gospel and refuse to give their lives to making it known among those who haven't heard. That is unfair.

I find it interesting that one of the most common questions asked today among Christians is "What is God's will for my life?" or "How do I find God's will for my life?" Many Christians have almost assumed the attitude that they would obey God if he would just show them what he wanted them to do. 

In the middle of a Christian culture asking, "How do I find God's will for my life?" I bring good news. His will is not lost. With 1.4 million Bedouins in Algeria who have never even heard the gospel, it makes little sense for us to sit over here asking, "What do you want me to do, God?" The answer is clear. the will of God is for you and me to give our lives urgently and recklessly to making the gospel and the glory of God known among all peoples, particularly those who have never even heard of Jesus.

The question, therefore, is not "Can we find God's will?" The question is "Will we obey God's will?"

Will we refuse to sit back and wait for some tingly feeling to go down our spines before we rise up and do what we have already been commanded to do?

Will we risk everything - our comfort, our possessions, our safety, our secutiry, our very lives - to make the gospel known among unreached people?

Such rising up and such risk taking are the unavoidable, urgent results of a life that is radically abandoned to Jesus."

                                                                                                - David Platt

Here is a link where you can purchase your copy of Radical by David Platt. Seriously. Do it.

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