Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ephesians 2:1-10

Ephesians 2:1-10

-       We are alive in Christ! But we must never forget that we once were dead in our trespasses
-       Spiritually we were dead. There are different types of life, there is plant life, animal life, physical life, spiritual life, emotional life. We were dead spiritually, now we are alive spiritually. Someone can still be alive physically but dead spiritually.
-       We must be born again and we must die to live. We identify fully with Jesus Christ. We identify with His death, we identify with His baptism, we identify with His resurrection, and we identify with His power in the Holy Spirit and we identify with His future coming.
-       When Christ died, He was raised to life.
-       When we die, we are raised to life.
-       When we lose it all, we find everything.
-       When we give up everything, we obtain every blessing.
-       Trespasses speak of man as a rebel, sin speaks of man as failure.
o   But because of Christ, we are now neither!

2:2, 3
-       In one time we did live in sin. (describe that sin is anything that doesn’t proceed from faith, not just smoking, drinking, sex, etc.)
-       Walking in the world, which is very much so orchestrated by Satan
-       “once walked” is the old man which is now crucified with Jesus at the time of conversion.
-       The sin nature inherited from Adam influences the old man, but the world system and Satan do also.
-       Once walked means it should be different for those what are made alive by Jesus Christ. A dead man feels comfortable in his coffin; but if he were to be made alive again, he would instantly feel suffocated and uncomfortable. There would be a strong urge to escape the coffin and leave it behind. In the same way, when were spiritually dead we felt comfortable in trespasses and sins; but having come to new life we feel we must escape that coffin and leave it behind.
-       “The converts are to be reminded what they have been delivered from, as well as what they have been lifted into. They must be led to look down again into the pit, into the grave, from which grace called them out and set them free." (Moule)
-       “by nature children of wrath” we were born of Adam. Adam was told in the beginning to multiply according to his kind. He was a fallen man, all he produced which is me and you is fallen by nature.
-       1 Corinthians 15:45

-       But God … because of His great love: With but and because, Paul explains God's reason behind reconciling man to Himself, and these reasons are found totally in God. The reasons are His rich mercy and His great love, which He focuses on us.
-       It is God’s great love. Some people think God loves us because we are lovable. But the truth is that His love extends to the unlovely and the unlovable, the children of wrath that were described in the previous verse.
-       Every reason for God's mercy and love is found in Him. We give Him no reason to love us, yet in the greatness of His love, He loves us with that great love anyway.
-       Therefore, we must stop trying to make ourselves lovable to God, and simply receive His great love while recognizing that we are unworthy of it. This is the beauty and blessing of the Christian life.

-       God loved you when you were dead in your trespasses. When you were at your worst (Romans 5:5)
-       This is the requirement for being saved. You must first be dead, dead to every attempt to justify yourself before God. He who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me … has passed from death into life (John 5:24).
-       “Made alive together with Christ”
o   This is what God did to those dead! He shared in our death so we could share in His resurrection.
o   The old man is crucified and we are new creations in Jesus with the old things passing away and all things becoming new.
-       “It is by grace you have been saved.”
o   Paul stresses to us that it has nothing to do with us. Nothing to do with man’s merit but completely to do with God’s love and grace.
o   Our salvation, our rescue from spiritual death is God’s work for the undeserving.
o   This is why we worship Him! This is why we love Him! This is why we obey Him and give it all for Him!
-       “Sit together in the Heavenly places”
o   This is the present position of the Christian
o   We have a new place of living, a new place of existence.
o   We are not those who dwell on earth but our citizenship is in Heaven
§  Philippians 3:20
-       We don't sit in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus, or at least not yet. Instead, we sit in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Since our life and identity is in Christ, as He sits in heavenly places, so do we.
-       “In the ages to come He will show the exceeding riches of His grace”
o   God will never stop dealing with us on the basis of grace, and will forever continue to unfold its riches to us through eternity.
-       "When all the saints shall be gathered home they shall still talk and speak of the wonders of Jehovah's love in Christ Jesus, and in the golden streets they shall stand up and tell what the Lord has done for them to listening crowds of angels, and principalities, and powers." (Spurgeon)

Riches of His Grace
- One way to see the greatness of the grace of God is to see how He begsman to receive it. When we offer a gift to someone and they refuse it, we are likely to allow them to refuse and leave them alone. God does not do this with us; even when we refuse His mercy He reaches into His storehouse of grace and persists with us, begging us to receive the free gift.

For we are His workmanship: God saves us not merely to save us from the wrath we rightly deserve, but also to make something beautiful of us. We are His workmanship, which translates the ancient Greek word poiema. The idea is that we are His beautiful poem. The Jerusalem Bible translates workmanshipas "work of art."

God's love is a transforming love. It meets us right where we are at, but when we receive this love it always takes us where we should be going. The love of God that saves my soul will also change my life.

“Good works”

Matthew 5:16
Let your good works shine brightly
All for His glory
Because of His grace

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