Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2 Timothy 2 Bible Study Notes

2 Timothy 2

2:2 - "entrust to reliable people"
-Just like God gave Timothy a ministry. He also gave you one and just like Paul said, it is not one we should hold onto, freely we receive - freely we give.

2:3 - "You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ"
-Must means it is not a suggestion, it carries a sense of requirement or a command.
-Timothy must take the attitude of a soldier who expects to endure hardship for their cause. No real soldier or at least no good soldier ever gave up simply because some hardship came to them, they expect it, they train for it.
-If we aren't willing to endure hardship, we won't accomplish much for Jesus Christ. We will soon give up, as soon as something hard is required of us, and then we can't fulfill the call of Matthew 16:24 to take up our cross.

2:4 - We are called to persevere
---Like a Soldier: bold, willing to endure hardship & fight
---Like an Athlete: by the rules, athletes can't make up their rules and neither can we.
---Like a Farmer: hard working. Often times it is boring and tedious work to farm, and also to plant and sow spiritually but the harvest is the reward! The harvest is what we labor for, both physically as a farmer and spiritually as a son or daughter. We labor so that souls can be harvested! Don't give up, keep doing good and you will reap the harvest!

2:6 - "the hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops."
-An effective farmer or teacher should eat spiritual food before he or she gives it to others. If you aren't being regularly fed from the Word of God. You can't give to others because you are empty.
*elaborate on this

"The Soldier who stops fighting before the battle is finished will never see the victory. The Athlete who stops running before the race is over will never win the race. The farmer who stops working before the harvest is complete will never see the fruit of his crops."

2:9 - "suffering for the Gospel" 
-You will! If you take up your cross and follow Jesus which is the call of a Christian you WILL suffer - just as Jesus did! But take heart, pain/suffering/hardship lasts only for a moment compared to the eternal joy we have in Christ! It is worth it! Keep your eyes fixed on the end goal, the end destination.
-The difference is that we have hope, we know all this is temporary, and we have access to joy and peace through the Holy Spirit our Comforter. 
-Anytime you are suffering, don't blame the Lord or get mad at Him. Rejoice that He has given you an opportunity to display His glory. Try having that attitude during a time of suffering. Pray "come and get Your glory Lord!". Trust that God is good and wants good for you! 

2:9 continued - "But God's Word is not chained!"
-The Bible is the most attacked book through History - burned, banned, mocked, twisted, ignored, BUT the Word of God still goes forth and still stands forever! (Isaiah 40:8)
-Even in places like China it goes forth, through sewers, by the Holy Spirit, by computer chips, by people! Can't be chained! 

2:10 - Paul love God's people

2:13 - God's character doesn't change or depend on our character or actions. God will always be who He is, He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. "approved by God" means that you are aiming to please God and not people. It is not a popularity contest, it is about being faithful to God. 

2:14 - Keep reminding one another of these things so they won't be distracted by unprofitable things. When fisherman don't fish, they fight. They point fingers at one another instead of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and rescuing the lost. What is gained by fighting? What is gained by gossiping? 

"God has a plan, God has a purpose, God has a strategy, and it is not going to fail."

2:19 - "the Lord knows who are His" 
-Trust the Lord, don't worry so much about other people profaning Him or the Church... don't worry about people who don't know Him. All you can do is pray and love them and allow Him to work... He is in control 
-God's Word is our solid foundation, it will never change, therefore we can keep our focus on it.

2:20 I love the description of the Church being a "great" house, 

-It is a great house because of who it belongs to. The house of our great God is certainly a great house. 

- It is a great house because it is planned and designed on a great scale. It has the most brilliant Architect and houses a great multitude of the greatest people to ever walk the earth.

- It is a great house because of the great cost it took to build it. This is a mansion far more valuable than any real estate on earth, built by the great work of Jesus on the cross.

- It is a great house because of its importance. This house and what happens in it is at the center of God's plan of the ages. The business of this house is more important than any of the trivia most of the world is interested it.

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