We need to be the start of a movement. A movement of purity. Jesus calls us to be imitators of Him, to preach His good news, and to proclaim His godliness. We are to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. In order to do any of that we must be pure...we must desire purity, and we must live out purity. Not saying we are going to be completely pure all the time, it is a constant process of being washed in His Word and repenting when we do fall away. But His gentleness and love leads us back to His altar every time. And I love that about the Lord, that His mercies are new everyday and that at any time we can be washed and made new. So thankful.
My heart breaks when I see a girl who doesn’t know how deeply loved, adored, and cherished she is by the King of Kings and the name above all names. I am brought to tears when I see girls dress to receive love, laugh extra loud to receive attention, and complain and whine to receive comfort. If only we knew that God loved us more than anyone ever can, that He is constantly giving us attention and desiring it from us as well, and if only we understood the comfort that flows from the pierced hands and feet of our Savior… this is where God has me. He has me in a deep compassion for this world, for these girls, and for His church. Just because we are Christian doesn’t mean we truly know our worth, identity, and value.
I know plenty of Christian women who haven’t given their hearts fully to the Lord. We must trade all we are for all that He is. We must deny ourselves and carry our cross. We must lose sight of ourselves completely and keep our sight fixed on the One who is worthy of our lives. We have to surrender the dream of being with a man, or of being married... we need to be gripping nothing and we must completely let go... Our hands must be fully freed and open in order to receive all that Christ is and has to offer us.
I am not saying I have all of this figured out and put together… I seriously don’t. I am an emotional woman just like the rest of you. I am in constant need of the beautiful grace God extends to me through His Son Jesus. But I can say with full confidence and assurance that I am head over heels in love with Jesus Christ to the point where I have and will give up anything for Him. My future marriage, my relationships, my money, my dreams, my comfort… anything. I have fully given Him my heart and nothing and no one will ever take the throne in my heart and in my life that rightfully belongs to my King. We must live in a broken surrender and acknowledge we are broken and in need of Him and then surrendering EVERYTHING, becoming fully dependent and relient on Him.
I was not always like this. Which is why I have such a deep passion for girls and women in this stage of holding on. I dominated this stage, in such a bad way. I was loud and aggressive. I spoke my mind and poked fun at people for their slip ups, and I find myself all the time falling back into these habits. (Again, so thankful for the beautiful grace poured out for me) I fell in love and got my heart crushed, broken, and shattered. I was unguarded with my insecurities and fears. I put trust in a person instead of my God. I learned the hard way and I would love nothing more than to see God use a hurt in my life to help at least ONE person from going through the same thing.
Now I come back to purity. With all of this information think about how you can start becoming more pure. Something the Lord has been putting on my heart is flirting. Flirting honestly disgusts me. It is one of the most selfish things I see in todays society (again, not saying I am perfect or that I never slip into it). But I am just grossed out by our flesh and how it wants to draw another persons desires away from Jesus and to ourselves. Disgusting. Think about it... When we flirt with someone we are shifting all of their thoughts and desires off of Jesus Christ and onto ourselves. If we truly are followers of Jesus, we should be a light, we should be sticking out, we should not be doing what the world does. Does the world flirt? You bet it does. If we are imitating Christ at all times... then think about what you do, would Jesus do it? Would Jesus flirt? Nope. Both men and women can do the selfless, God honoring thing and not flirt. We can help eachother to be pure. We should be pointing eachothers eyes, thoughts, and desires to Jesus Christ, not eachother. A truly Godly woman or man does not seek to draw eyes to themselves but they seek to bring glory to Jesus Christ alone.
I am praying for a generation of women and men who desire purity, who don’t flirt, who do not draw eyes to themselves. I pray that this generation of women and men would be radically obedient to the Spirit and would be a complete poured out offering to the One who loved us first. I pray that in everything we do, say, and think… that we would ONLY point eyes to Jesus Christ, not ourselves. It really is all about Jesus. He must become more and we must become less.

Hear, O daughter, and consider, and incline your ear:
forget your people and your father’s house,
and the king will desire your beauty.
Since he is your lord, bow to him.
Psalm 45:10, 11
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