Monday, October 25, 2010


The more I read in the book of Psalms the more I realize that we as followers of Christ shouldn't keep Him and His perfect love quiet... we need to SHOUT! We need to DANCE! We need to SING! We need to let the whole world know that Jesus SAVES!

"SHOUT for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before Him with joyful songs."
Psalm 100:1, 2

"Sing to the Lord a new song,
for He has done marvelous things;
His right hand and His holy arm
have worked salvation for Him."
Psalm 98:1

"I will sing of Your love and justice;
to you, O Lord, I will sing praise."
Psalm 101:1

"Praise Him with tambourine and dancing,
praise Him with the strings and flute."
Psalm 150:4

All of these verses aren't telling us to remain quiet and seated...but to jump for joy and sing, dance, shout, praise the Lord for what He has done for us and continues to do in us and for us! How can we stay silent?! How can the world know that they can have a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ if we don't tell them! We should shine like stars, we should be a lighted town on a hill... we should draw people's eyes in, we should be lights...shining through this darkened world, lillies among the thorns...Followers of Jesus among the world. Jesus Christ is not of this world, and neither should we. We must speak up and LOVE like this world has never seen. We need to raise a shout, stir it up, and LOVE LOVE LOVE eachother.

We are, we in desperation
We need to reach this generation
We are speaking louder than before
We have the love that will be brought and
We are speaking louder than before

Key word: WE - this can't be done alone. WE need eachother, the Body of Christ to reach this world... God didn't give us such a huge commission/task to do alone... we all need eachother and we all offer something to help and build up the Body of Christ

There are people walking ALL around the world with NO PURPOSE. They are living for themselves or living in hurt, pain, suffering... Let's be the light, let's be the stars, let's show them JESUS. The way we live our lives is what we think about Jesus... People will know we are His followers by one thing... the way we LOVE.

How do you show love? Is there someone you know that doesn't know Jesus? Show them that LOVE - put them first... OUT DO them in love (Romans 12:10 - ESV)

Let's raise a shout and let all the world know that Jesus saves.

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