Thursday, September 30, 2010


[God is our lover.]

This is a touchy subject for some people... they don't understand that God is our Father and our Lover, but He is. God longs for our hearts, He created us purely for His pleasure. He loves us so much and wants that love in return, just like a lover. He wants an intimate and personal relationship with us, He wants to be involved in every aspect of our life and be with us at all time. He wants our true heart, our trust, our obedience, our submission, our love, He wants to pour His love into our hearts and wants us to pour ours into His. It is beautiful. Our God is the Author and Creator of Love and Romance, He knows it the best and knows it perfectly. We must trust Him with everything because He knows it all better then we do, because He made it! We must live out or day to day romance with our King for many reasons, one of which is to understand how love and romance should be acted out in our lives with His blessing. No matter what though our heart will never know rest until it finds it fully in Him.

"I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion."
Hosea 2:19

In the spacious love of God, our souls can lie down and rest. This love from Him is not something we must struggle for, earn, or fear to lose. It is bestowed. He has bestowed it upon us. He has chosen us. And nothing can separate us from His love. Not even we, ourselves. We are made for such a love. Our hearts yearn to be loved intimately, personally, and romantically. We are created to be the object of desire and affection of One who is totally and completely in love with us. God wants intimacy with us, in order to have it we must offer to Him in return.

"My lover is mine and I am His."
Song of Songs 2:16

"Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me."
Song of Songs 2:13

Song of Songs 2:13 is an invitation, the Lover of your soul is inviting you to arise, come my darling, my beautiful one and go away with me. Come with me, find rest in me, find restoration in me, find love in me, find romance in me, find peace in me, find hope in me, find healing in me, find EVERYTHING in me... just come.

You have love bestowed upon you, there is nothing you can do to lose it. God is inviting you into the most amazing, romantic, enchanting, exciting, and breath-taking relationship you will ever have. Take the invitation, open your heart, and let love be awaken in your soul.

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