Friday, May 7, 2010

Not of this World

I have been reading Colossians 3 over and over this whole week, it is so applicable to my life right now. In Colossians 3 there are so many verses on putting on your "new self" and dying to your old ways - and living for Christ.

--"You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Therefore clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Colossians 3:7 & 12

We are not who we were. We have given our lives to Christ and we must take up our cross and follow Him. We cannot be stuck in this world full of such terrible things like drugs and alcohol (sex isn't terrible-it is an amazing gift from God but the way society abuses it makes it terrible:/). I used to be like that though, I loved drinking and I would go to parties and drink and still claim to be Christian but I soon realized you can't be in the world and in the Kingdom - can't have one foot in and one foot out. The only way to live for God is WHOLEheartedly, He gave us EVERYTHING, we should want to give Him everything. I have been doing so much praying on this and the other night the opportunity came up for me to go to a party - a drinking party. I usually would decline but I for some odd reason didn't, I wanted to go and see if I could handle it. I went to the party and had absolutely zero desire to drink (that has never happened, there is always a little desire...) but this time I had ZERO, it was crazy. I felt sad actually, depressed that these people around me drinking were so lost and confused had no real purpose behind their life.

This whole week I have been having tests and signs pointing to loving God whole heartedly, entrusting Him with my entire life, every aspect of my life. It has been so awesome, but it is also frustrating!

I have been dealing with a lot of frustrations when it comes to being friends/getting close with someone when they are still so stuck in the world (drugs, alcohol, sex). I see what is on their facebooks or how they dress or how they are living and it really frustrates me because I also know they go to church and say they love God with all their heart but they aren't really showing it.

I love that God's grace is free. No one needs to do anything except believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and took on the sins of the world. However as a Christian every moment counts, every place is sacred, and everyone is deserving. If you believe into Christ and make Him number one in your heart you should want to obey His commands - out of love, not fear.

--"If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." John 14:15-20

This verse is awesome. If we fully give our lives to Christ and really seek Him (pray, fellowship, worship) than He gives us the Holy Spirit which strengthens us to obey His commands. Some people think "ok cool I am saved, what happens now..." and then they go back to their old ways of partying because they know they are saved. But God wants way more than to save you, He wants to have a relationship with you, He loves us all sooooooooo much we can't even describe how much. He wants a personal, intimate relationship with His creation... you. I don't know about you but I have never had a good relationship with someone when I don't talk to them or give them any of my time. Same with God, if we don't talk to Him, hangout with Him, show selfless love and serve Him - how are we going to have a relationship with Him? Let alone an intimate one.

I have really been wrestling with all of this because I was that Christian that was half in the world and half in the Kingdom and seeing what it is like to deny the world and fully follow God, I just want to tell everyone about how amazing it is. There is nothing this world can offer that trumps the love of God, nothing. His love is so selfless and eternal, it is worth giving up those drunk memories or those "good times" me, He has so much planned for you - you just have to allow Him to have you, fully. 100%.

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